Find a Kita spot in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Download a file with all the Kitas and daycare options in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Full addresses, telephone numbers, emails and website are provided

Marzahn-Hellersdorf is a very nice Bezirk, offering many Kiez (aka urban places with a village-feel) and have many offerings for families, such as playgrounds for example.

The vicinity to nature and to the Berliner countryside is very appealing for families. Still, there are 186 Kitas and Kindertagspflege (aka Tagesmutter and Tagesvater) with potential spots for your kids, split in the 5 “Ortsteile” (boroughs) of Marzahn-Hellersdorf:

  • Marzahn
  • Biesdorf
  • Kaulsdorf
  • Mahlsdorf
  • Hellersdorf

We recommend narrowing down your Kita search with your postcode!